Contact Us

Featured Artist & Contact Coordinator

Preston Mae Wright

Hello everyone, I’m in charge of coordinating how our community organizes our featured artists (our Artist Collective members and anyone featured on the Pod Blog)! I manage application submissions, handle communications between our artists and our project, and much more behind the scenes work to keep our content easily and aesthetically accessible to you all! If you’re looking to join our Pod and are interested in becoming a featured artist, please fill out our submission form and I will be in touch about your application. If you’re an organization, business, or individual looking to collaborate on donations or our Pod Blog, please fill out our contact form above. Thank you!

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Pod Mail Newsletter

We are growing a community to support global healing by sharing art, stories, and making tools more easily accessible.

Artist Collective Application


Answers written on this form will be used for building your artist biography section when you are processed onto our site. Please answer them like interview questions, leave a “0” for any questions you’d like to leave unanswered.

How did you hear about When the Whales Come Home?*